Dhclient, that bitch

Well. You are used to more beautiful words here, but that program caused some trouble in cooperation with the Networkmanager tool. The Story so far: I am using Networkmanager to configure my network interfaces due to the work. I usually change my network at least three times a day. As WLAN and linux can be a pain, I […]

How to mass murder

In history it was a common way to capture people for either getting them compliant to your ideas or killing them. Let’s sum up the ways and means for depopulating lands: Some kind of (imaginary) delict Fear Torture The job itself is done by some mad man, instigating the people. An impressive demonstration that this works was done […]

Damn Spam

It is vacation time. How did I know? Well – The load at the spam gateways and the field salvage of the honeypots are increasing. Even the far too old RxBots are getting a new shot. As the ones are escaping for a holiday for sunbathing, the server world has to deal with heavy and useless load due […]

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