Replication of MySQL databases is an easy thing if you disregard its complicated documentation. So this is a short howto on how to do it: The my.cnf file of the Master server needs to have the following entries added:
Author: ToeiRei
I love simple workstations. Especially if they do what you expect them to – and nothing more. You can imagine that I like ThinClients, web terminals and stuff like those. Those days I stumbled over ThinStation, a small build environment to do such thin client images. I guess you can already smell the advantages here: Old hardware could […]
Worn out
Men are simple. That’s an old statement, maybe you’ve heard it quite a couple of times, but it’s not far off the truth – and I have to know that, as I am a man by myself. We do not have twenty pairs of shoes piling up at home. Usually we just wear the ones we have as […]
Keyboard or Touchscreen?
I am using a Motorola Atrix since quite a while now. So it’s time to look back and think about if my habits changed a little – and yes, they did: As the Atrix does not offer a hardware keyboard I don’t use it that much for sending text messages or e-mails as it’s a little troublesome to […]
Everyone cheating, huh?
Today I stumbled upon an interesting post at Rei’s World offering statistics about a second life like world which claims to be better than the original world. Of course, anyone out there knows that Linden Lab adds about 25000 residents to their statistics to appear bigger, but wouldn’t you suspect a virtual world that claims to be better […]
Syslog-NG rants
Today was the day of another lovely Syslog-NG update, which included upgrading the config file. In other words, browsing the docs for any important changes and migrating those. Isn’t that exactly one of our favorite tasks as it kills way too much time preventing us to do the important stuff? In the meanwhile I migrated to rsyslog as […]