As things happen

Bad things may happen, as some children are stealing your website content. No matter what you do, never loose humor. An alternative is – as long as you got control over your own rss feed – playing some tricks on that thief by either blocking him or delivering some ‘custom content’ like a spam feed. Be creative – […]

Damn Spam

It is vacation time. How did I know? Well – The load at the spam gateways and the field salvage of the honeypots are increasing. Even the far too old RxBots are getting a new shot. As the ones are escaping for a holiday for sunbathing, the server world has to deal with heavy and useless load due […]

Requiem for a box

It is a tradegy in a geeks life if a server and its data are dying without a warning. But that is how life is ment to be, according to murphy. This are the last words for and about my loyal server Odysseus. Its job was sorting and shipping the caught malware from the honeypots. May its spirit […]

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