Malware is expensive

Everybody who is about to disagree with my headline might say that malware is free as it just stops by on your computer if it got some security holes due to missing patches or bad configuration. I do not disagree with that as there were no costs for the programmer, no licensing fees – a perfect example of […]

Spam or Virus?

Today I had one of those typical spam malware in my mailbox, showing that Microsoft Outlook is one of the most widely used mail programs, being attacked all the time: Microsoft Outlook Notification for the xxxx@xxxx.xx Support [xxxx@xxxx.xx] Sent :Thu 15/10/2009 06:38 To xxxx@xxxx.xx Attachment (12kb) You have (6) New Message from Outlook Microsoft – Please re-configure […]

Filling the gaps

My blacklist service runs fine by now and I have checked the results on a regular base. Fact is, that there are some IP ranges delivering quite much spam – so I decided to blacklist the ‘gaps’ in between the addresses as it is to suspect that those IPs might also get active. To recognize those ranges, the […]