Adam and Eve blogging

I know, I have not bashed the catholic church since some time – so here is a small side blow and a pointer to Robert Basic. He is writing an article about the things you should NOT do in a blog or on a website. It is a great topic and there are plenty of things you should watch out for.

It might sound silly and/or old fashioned, but try to look at your own website or blog and ask yourself if you would read it – If you are in doubt, ask a friend to review it.


5 thoughts on “Adam and Eve blogging”

  • mir reicht es, wenn ich was schreibe… warum soll ich dann das gerümpel auch noch selber lesen? wozu sind denn noch andere im netz unterwegs???

  • Hallo S.!
    Guter Hinweis mit den Blogsünden. Werd ich mir durchschaun.
    Tipps kann man immer brauchen.
    Gruezi from CH EL Robo

  • That’s a point I fully agree with you. And I am sure, nobody wants to know how I look like without my kickstart (morning coffee) – that would scare some readers away

  • numerodix says:

    Bleh, in German :P

    This may be a strawman, but I caught sight of “#9 No picture”. I can’t be bothered to try and parse the German, probably wouldn’t understand half of it anyway. But. I do think it’s silly. I mean it’s not like you need to know what an author looks like to read his books, do you?

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