Did you notice?

If you didn’t already notice, I changed the header image on my blog here. I know, I should have done that sooner, but I was too lazy for. But why just now? I have discovered Inkscape. Incscape is a vector drawing program. Imagine – common pictures are using a grid which is colored the way you want it. […]

Advertising on my blog

To be honest, I cannot stand popup advertising and other annoying things on webpages breaking standard. First I have started using AdSense here, gaining some cent per year. Great, yeah? Not really. Google pays you as soon as you have earned a minimum amount. In other words, I gained nothing and searched for alternatives. Selling links looked fine […]

Strange things are happening

I have checked out the statistics for my blog lately. Here are some rather common highlights how people came here: Google search: easy rider steyr Google search: toy + run + 2007 + bild Google search: using oxygen icons on kde 3.5 Links from a wordpress install (wp-admin/plugins.php) But common things are boring – so here is something […]

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