How to mass murder

In history it was a common way to capture people for either getting them compliant to your ideas or killing them. Let’s sum up the ways and means for depopulating lands: Some kind of (imaginary) delict Fear Torture The job itself is done by some mad man, instigating the people. An impressive demonstration that this works was done […]

Der Alte und die Dame in Schwarz

So, im großen Umriß ist die Ville schon ein recht großes Tier, ein Tourendampfer eben… 243 kg, 648 kubik aus einem V2 mit 55 Pferden, also nicht grad berauschend… Dann steht sie vor mir, bös, schwarz, bedrohlich… und im Sonnenschein zwinkert sie mir dann doch freundschaftlich-violett zu… *grins* Anlassen, ein dezentes Brummeln, sanfte Vibrationen, aber sonst gar nix, […]

Damn Spam

It is vacation time. How did I know? Well – The load at the spam gateways and the field salvage of the honeypots are increasing. Even the far too old RxBots are getting a new shot. As the ones are escaping for a holiday for sunbathing, the server world has to deal with heavy and useless load due […]

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