This is strange

Unknown box

I am a little lost and need your help due to an unknown package which I got a couple of days ago, as I am pretty clueless where the package came from. And ‘clueless’ in that case means that I absolutely have no clue where it came from as I don’t know the sender.

The package came inside a box of the USPS straight from the States and arrived just in time for my birthday which happened to happen at the 17th of this month. Inside the shipping box there was a smaller box which obviously was handcrafted, done with quite some patience and love by a computer geek as the code written on it shows.

Geek-CodeThis code passage, which seems to be PHP (?) tells, that the package should not be opened before the 17th of this month.

SignatureKnowing my address and birthday, I would guess that the package didn’t came ‘by accident’ – and so does the card shipped with it. But sadly I have some little problems reading parts of it (Could someone translate that for me, please?).

Even if I don’t know the sender yet, I am very happy and want to thank that someone thinking of me.


4 thoughts on “This is strange”

  • This box did take quite some hits. Looking at the writing in the picture I suspect that this is Chinese as I cannot read it. (Das Paket scheint ja ein bisschen was abgekriegt zu haben. Was die Schriftzeichen betrifft, kann ich die nicht wirklich entziffern. Es scheint Chinesisch zu sein.)

  • stargazer, es denken viele an deinen bruzzeltag, manche sind vielleicht eine spur langsamer dran, aber trotzdem denken sie an dich! und manch eine/r wünschte sich, daß er/sie vielleicht ein bißchen im hintergrund bleiben kann… was mir zwar versagt geblieben ist…


    hauptsache, du freust dich, hast was zu knobeln und gina etwas ruhe… ;-))

    nochmals nachträglich alles gute!

    dein oller & vorlauter Grazer

  • Xiao Mao says:

    Did you find out in the end who sent it? By the way, the chinese characters say ‘Wishing you a happy birthday.’

  • I could figure out the meaning at the next chinese restaurant. But I still have not tracked down the person who sent it…

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