Driving in the rain

First of all, it is to say that it is not a very pleasant experience to drive a motorcycle in the rain – not to say that I would try to avoid it in general. But as you know, it isn’t always possible to do. Especially if you do not want to have the bike and the rider […]

Windows and its trash

Windows can be a real dirty system regarding wasted disk space as you might have noticed. A current case showed amazing numbers. The common TEMP-Directories, found at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\TEMP and some stuff in the users home directories can hold quite a large number of unneeded files – in our case here it was about 20 GB trash occupying the […]


I guess I can’t keep my hands off my gentoo box trying to test new things until stuff breaks. This might sound tragic, but if you’d ask me, it’s those things you learn most of as fix the things you have broken while trying to improve your box. It’s those things teaching you the implications of the whole […]

IE6 blues

It’s one if the most common problems with the old internet explorer that it handles the box model in a wrong way and I have been cursing for hours due to that problem. To be able to do some workarounds, Microsoft offers browser switching for their browser (IE only) for loading different stylesheets: <!–[if IE 6]> <link rel=”stylesheet” […]