Day 5

I’ll take that day as an easy one. The sun is shining and the downwind is blowing. This is the best for driving long distance with the scooter as it eases the engines’ load. So I am arriving in Neusiedl.

Day 4

It’s a real advantage if you stay at your parents house – you can dry your stuff using the tiled stove. Well rested my route starts and leads me through Saint Florian, Asten and finally Enns, where I got hungry. So what to do now? I am a man, I am hungry – Meat is the solution. No […]

Day 3

Do not even think of the idea that I could give up, dear reader. I was totally tired, but I do not give up that easily. So next stage. Having breakfast and some coffee the world looks way better. Ok, it’s raining again, but it’s not icy anymore. So I’m pretending to be optimistic and start driving again.

Day 1

Just after getting up I had to be ready to roll out. So I had a hot shower and an unwanted cold one just after departure. The current mileage of my scooter is 10991 km as I started in Dornbirn, rolling next to the escort vehicle of the ÖAMTC.

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