I love Linux – usually for being quite slim. But on the other hand, using a really minimalist install on debian 9, I need to add a few packages to get around. openssh-server – provides me ssh access net-tools – contains netstat ca-certificates – without that package I have to download without certificate checks apt-transport-https – allowing repositories […]
Tag: debian
Debian: From 6 to 7
Debian did release its Version 7 – named after the cuddly Penguin of the movie ToyStory, Wheezy. Time to update? Sure – painless as usual: Backup (did I already mention that I love vmware snapshots?) first, followed by a traditional update to have it all set before doing the real update: apt-get update apt-get upgrade
Unpacking a .deb package without dpkg
Debian is a nice distro, as long as you don’t need to mess around with its packages on other systems. Today I was playing around with the SafeNet stuff for eTokens on gentoo – and all I had was the debian package, but no dpkg command. After looking at the package it was quite simple to open it: […]