Today’s one of those days where the city is turned upside down – at least for this weekend as the medieval event takes place. Find me there.
Tag: feldkirch
Petting zoo in Feldkirch?
Another year passed by and it is time for the Montfort event, the medieval market of Feldkirch. It is like a home match for me. So I decided to come around. My chain mail and leather armor should go with me. But you know the people? They could not keep their fingers and dumb questions off me. The […]
Rückblick auf den Mittelaltermarkt Feldkirch
Alle Jahre wieder ziehen seltsam gekleidete Menschen durch die Altstadt von Feldkirch, zum Panorama der Schattenburg. Ja, ich rede von den zahlreichen Touristen, welche durch die Marktgassen zum Montfort-Spektakel pilgern, vorbei an den mittelalterlich gekleideten Händlern, welche ihre Wahren anpreisen.