mplayer is one of the media players, you can use for everything on linux. There are nearly no formats you cannot decode. Regarding internet radio, I like this player as it works without bells and whilstles straight from the console. For tuning in a stream, you could use the following comand: mplayer -cache 1024 <stream-url>
Syslog NG and permissions
Syslog NG and permissions are a topic on its own – especially if you like to keep your system safe. Imagine, you run a process to parse your syslog files, which you do not want to run as root. Sounds easy? A first try might be using chmod and chown for adjusting the permissions, but the problem we’re […]
Wie bei allem, irgendwann wird es immer mal an der Zeit, ein Hardwareupdate durchzuführen. PC-User und Saftwareverwickler unter Euch ist das ja bekannt und somit ein alter Hut, für die anderen, naja, Schwamm drüber, man kann nicht alles haben im Leben… Naja, und so kam dann auch in meinem Leben der Tag der Tage, ein Firmwareupdate war mir […]
Kernel Update
Just for the records: The downtime we have experienced was just a reboot for booting a new kernel to be up to date again
Groupware Patchwork
Thinking back on my mail system here, I usually get that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach as the server structure was more or less some unordered patchwork which was started long time ago. Everything started back when I still used SuSE Linux, way before YaST2 when the world was still fine and sendmail a great choice for smtp […]
Smell that stick
Ah well, an incoming stick from Dandu, regarding typical male and female behavior and the favorite perfume of mine. So let’s work it out.