Day 4

EnnsIt’s a real advantage if you stay at your parents house – you can dry your stuff using the tiled stove. Well rested my route starts and leads me through Saint Florian, Asten and finally Enns, where I got hungry.

So what to do now? I am a man, I am hungry – Meat is the solution. No pain, the duck is alright – it has just been reinstalled in Asten and there are plenty of restaurants around.

Rain wrecked a map – so I got me a new one. It’s the second map I have lost by now. But it’s hard if you have to rely on passerby. So I am arriving in Ebersdorf, where the Danube blocks my way. Floods. So I turned around and looked for another way.

So I arrived in Melk and lost my last map. Now I am really pissed. I am in the middle of some chaotic area without plan or fear. Asking people was not helpful any more, as I had to stop far too often – So I got me one of those TomTom navigation systems at an ÖAMTC base near Krems.

ViennaArriving at the outskirts of vienna, Ritchie wanted to escort me with his Honda Hornet – but there was no trace of him. But Günter stood in for him. So this day ends in Vienna.


3 thoughts on “Day 4”

  • vienna22 says:

    Hat mich sehr gefreut bei diesem Charity-Road-Trip mithelfen zu dürfen.
    Danke für die kleine Stystemwartung so “nebenbei” vor dem Schlafen gehen ;-)
    Wusste gar nicht was mit meinem Xubuntu-PC so alles möglich ist :-)

    Allzeit gute Fahrt!

  • Charlie says:

    Hallo Viktoria!

    Alles Gute für Deine Ziele!
    Du hast es ja inzwischen geschafft, trotz Probleme mit Deiner Ente! Nächstes Mal hält sie bestimmt! Eine Tolle Reise, ein super Erlebnis. Alles Liebe von O. Charlie u. T. Margit

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