Why do I blog?

Well – why do I write a blog? That’s a good question, indeed. Why do people write diaries? Why do people blog? Well – here are a few ideas why people do so:

  • because they got something to tell
  • to present themselves
  • to make a better world
  • to keep some ideas together
  • because it’s in
  • because it’s read by people
  • to find themselves (greetings to google)
  • to cope with things that happen

A fine excuse may be following a trend – but blogs just made because it is in, doesn’t last for very long. But some people have things to tell.

But there are far too less people out there who are blogging about new technologies and stuff – it’s left for the newspapers.
Doing a presentation about on oneself is much more reasonable thing. A blog can be a showcase for the public where nobody tells you to shut up. So you can tell your own opinion to the world, doing your thing in your own rundown on things happening in the world, maybe for making it a better one.

A blog is also a good thing for organizing ideas, memories and ideas. From my own experience it’s worth doing so, as I have found a solution to a problem on my own blog.

For me, my blog can be compared to a valve to let of steam and shout it out into the world. It is also a try to make the world a better place as well as telling my story – and if one person reads or comments on a topic there, I have won. I was read. And it was fun.


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