WP-BlackCheck 2.3.0 released

After talking to Chris I did wreck my braincells again, to find some ideas to improve WP-BlackCheck to make spammers life harder. The Result is the new version 2.3.0 which contains the following changes: Type rate calculation for speed limits Honor whitelist settings for comments (WordPress Core) Encrypted timestamps Honoring the whitelist of the WordPress Core is about […]

Speed up!

I don’t deny that my blog wasn’t too fast during the last year, which is one of those problems that are simply annoying but not fixed with high priority as things ‘work’ – somehow. But now I decided to improve things.

Ciao, Akismet!

This is a short report about the happenings around WP-BlackCheck. The Blacklist itself just entered the 40000th IP address to the list. By now I am test-driving the new version to be to find the latest bugs and eliminate the dependencies towards akismet. By now I implemented a couple of options which should help you to ease administration […]

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