My old server machines are too noisy – which is an undeniable fact and the reason for consolidating machines. It was a decision which didn’t make me happy, but logic told me to do so and offered a new challenge to me. The main problem was separating services in a way they don’t bite each other. My solution back in these days was setting up a couple of chroots using debootstrap, as I was short on time and didn’t feel like doing gentoo in them or do CentOS. Latter one was one of our worst things at the LinuxDay events at the Network Operation Center as it took us too much time to get it running the way we wanted it to be.
chroot environments aren’t really the best solution due to some security risks, but on the other hand they are a cheap way when you are not able to set up proper virtual machines and if you are short on time. But since I have a new machine here, virtual machines are a topic to think about again as it’s powerful enough.
But I have no clue about how I’ll deal with storage as I do not know a proper solution which satisfies my needs without ripping a hole in my wallet again.