This is some kind of parody on a german ad against drinking, but fits pretty well on those people installing a full blown KDE on a server for administrative tasks…
my two cents on life – including taxes and duties…
This is some kind of parody on a german ad against drinking, but fits pretty well on those people installing a full blown KDE on a server for administrative tasks…
Stargazer says:
Just did so :)
KNT says:
Nice :)
Mabye you could make an english version?
tante says:
People tend to be scared of the console but after finding out that many things are just way easier that way they usually reconsider.
I do understand why people don’t use sed and awk to edit files (I only do that sometimes), but especially things like find (with the -exec or -delete options) is just too good and too convenient.
Chris Harcourt says:
I like it! Long live CLI!