Smiling customers

A satisfied customer stays your customer – with that sentence in my mind I went out for the last time for Bachmann electronic. An embedded linux installation for a customer needs some last adjustments before it can go productive. It is a good feeling, if you know someone likes the work you do. It is as nice as […]


There are just two more days until my vacation starts. The unknown parameter of that calculation is whether I am able to relax in those two weeks or not…

Saving Money at work

Money – one of those topics, where you just have to admit that you don’t have enough of it. It is a fact that you need to save it. A simple calculation and an example should show you, how you can do it in your coffee break. Regarding myself, I need about 4 Cups of coffee a day. […]

Na gut…

Ein neuer Tag brach an, welchen ich mit der Überwindung von physikalischer Trägheit und einem Reibungsproblem begann. Ja, ich bin ein Morgenmuffel, ertappt. Nachdem ich am Arbeitsplatz aufgeschlagen bin und der Morgenkaffee seine Wirkung zeigt und die Tagesaufgaben erledigt sind kann der Tag beginnen. Mal sehen was die Heimfahrt bringt… Regen?