
I guess I can’t keep my hands off my gentoo box trying to test new things until stuff breaks. This might sound tragic, but if you’d ask me, it’s those things you learn most of as fix the things you have broken while trying to improve your box. It’s those things teaching you the implications of the whole […]

“The server thinks the ICQ client you are using is too old”

Somehow AOL doesn’t brighten up my day. In fact, making me angry would describe it way better. As I am using Linux, I am trying to avoid proprietary software – that’s why you won’t find me that often using Skype. The Instant messenger of my choice would be Jabber, but as my contacts don’t use it, I have […]

WordPress vs FeedBurner

Bugs are those random developed features of software, letting it become alive and unsympathic. Bugs always hit you, where and when it really hurts. And so does a bug in WordPress – Everything started with a message at FeedBurner, that they cannot read my feed: Your server disconnected us before sending the full source feed content. If your […]