Botnet diet

It was a wonderful Xmas – not only from a PC resellers point of view. Old computers were exchanged and brand new preinfected preinstalled PCs were installed. As Windows XP now comes with at least SP2 and the mandatory firewall, those boxes are slightly more secure. A nice side effect is, that the new (unpatched) computers replaced the […]

SPF made easy

42 is one of the wrong answers if you are dealing with spam. SPF, which means Sender Policy Framework seems to be a better solution. SPF is a list of authorized mail sending hosts for your domain. But how does it work? The implementation takes place at your nameserver by adding a TXT entry to an existing domain. […]

Crack of dawn

The wafts of mist are about to clear and the cold of the night fades to morning. No, this is no horror film – it’s a start of a new work day. Xmas now is one of the events that passed by and the expected malware flood didn’t really come. But the attacks got more specific as there […]

SSH Tunneling

If you are able to connect to a ssh server, you can connect to the whole world. How does that work? ssh -N user@remote.ssh -L 6667/ The command in pieces: -N circumvents that a shell gets spawned. user is the user on our remote ssh server. -L is the command for the tunnel. Its three parameters are Local […]