I have several virtual machines running in my current setup, offering various services. This is not a bad thing per se – in fact, it increases security by encapsulating services a bit. On the other hand, I ended up with a huge mass of MySQL instances serving one or two databases. And this might come in a bit […]
Tag: mysql
OwnCloud 8.0.3 and some SQL problem
Today my OwnCloud was due to an update to 8.0.3; As I did so, an SQL error hailed me: Aktualisiere ownCloud auf Version 8.0.3. Dies könnte eine Weile dauern. An exception occurred while executing ‘ DELETE FROM `oc_lucene_status` WHERE `fileid` IN ( SELECT `fileid` FROM ( SELECT `fileid` FROM `oc_lucene_status` GROUP BY `fileid` HAVING count(`fileid`) > 1 ) […]
MySQL Replication
Replication of MySQL databases is an easy thing if you disregard its complicated documentation. So this is a short howto on how to do it: The my.cnf file of the Master server needs to have the following entries added:
MySQL Upgrade
Ein beleidigter MySQL Server kann schlimmer als eine Sechzehnjährige sein, wenn sie ihre Tage hat – das mussten wir nach der Inbetriebnahme der Server feststellen. Grund für das Debakel war ein Upgrade des MySQL Servers und dessen Ablehnen des alten Formats der Usertabelle. Doch, wie geht man damit am Besten um?